Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I dropped the spring course.

Translation is just not right for me.

Guess I'll have to rot at home until early Dec (my family's coming!)



Anonymous said...

rot at home until early Dec is super good wat!u sigh for wat ?
i wan to hav holiday oso damn difficult~ u mus appreciate it ok?

Ee Gee said...

no tv no astro nothing to do at all ler.. and no kopitiam to go thats the worst part. the most is mcdonald, which is like damn fattening. everyday wake up, on laptop, online a while, drama a while, then lunch. sometimes no lunch also. then online again, then sleep. everyday sameeee. highlight of the day is playing basketball or jogging thats it. but in way its good la at least can rest. so yeah, depends on how you look at it.

Lina said...

read books mayb???

Ee Gee said...

LOL read books. i am not that studious(is that how you spelled it?) but i read readers' digest cause it was posted to our home for free! LOL

Lina said...

how come got free copy d??

another suggestion.. basketball all day?? lolx

Ee Gee said...

i dont know why they sent it for free. maybe because my ex-housemate used to subscribe it or whatever. basketball all day.. NO KAKI!

Lina said...

then... clean ur house while waiting for mum and dad to come??

Ee Gee said...

our house is pretty clean.. we are not messy person. LOL.

Lina said...


update blog? shopping? find frens?