Monday, December 1, 2008

My house being burglar-ed last night.

Went out for church service around 330pm and straight away after the service went to 'PartyWorld'.

Reached home around 330am.

I was so shocked looking at the mess caused.

Total Losses:
1 Laptop
2 Prada Tote
3 Nike Shoes (Kobe's)
4 Portable Hard Disk


Okay enough of bad news.

I passed my exams!

Concrete Structure - HD
Wastewater Management - HD
Geotech 1 - DI
Transport 1 -DI
Site Investigation - DI


I really have to thank Mike cause he is the one who motivated me to go every lectures and tutes. I think I attented the most lectures and tutes this semester(compared to last year).

Anyway, thats it for now.

Ask me out pleaseeee (my laptop gone so yeah, I'll be dead boring.)


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