Friday, August 8, 2008


Update. HAPPY 08/08/08.

A bit of updates on the recent happenings.

First, went for a field trip for surveying. I woke up at five that morning, simply because I dont want to be late and missed the trip since every student only given A chance to do the levelling stuff.

I waited for bus, around 530am, at the bus station outside my house. And suddenly there's an Aussie(I think he is an Aussie), which again, I THINK he is high on drug, appearing from behind me, and he shouted, 'FXXK OFF!' Well, I must be lying if I told you I wasnt afraid. His tone was like I owed him a million dollar or killed his family, something like that. Then I moved away from the bus station and stayed away from him, by standing few steps away from the station.

See I made a move to avoid him, but he seemed not satisfied. HE WANTED ME TO GET OFF THE BUS STATION. He suddenly walked towards me as if he wanna punch me or something(by taking off a bandage or something from his wrist). Of course I wasnt stupid enough to risk myself to fight against him, and I clearly knew that I WILL BE THE ONE GETTING HURTS. And what if he has a needle or something that he used to take drugs? I RAN AWAY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, rushed over a red light, towards my home. AND I DOUBTED HE WAS SUPER RACIST, cause I heard him scolding chink or something when I ran away.

Anyway, I asked my housemate to fetch me to the train station. Got to the site safely and spent around three or four hours doing the practice. VERY tiring. AND IT WAS COLD THAT DAY. Glad that I got it over.

Hmm, OH I JOINED A MARATHON. On the 14th of Sept. Knew this event through Mike. Actually planning to ask two or three friends to go with me cause definitely I wont be joining the 21km like Mike(I sure will quit halfway through), but ended up asking around 14 people to go. AHHA. We all joined the 5km run, and I dont know if I can even finish the 5km or not. Sigh.

I need to practice. Because joining a marathon without finishing it is damn embarrassing. :D

And hor, I dont have any equipments(like jogging shoes or jogging pants). Everyone else looks like a real marathon runner while I look like a kampung boy without proper attire, very paiseh ho? OMG, I sound super Malaysian. HAHHA.

Anyway, thats pretty much about the recent happenings. I planned to write a short paragraph at the beginning but ended a long essay writing. LOL.

And oh, we are going to watch the Beijing Olympic 2008 opening ceremony at Kong's house later!

Looking forward to it!

Bye for now, people. Have a great weekend!

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