Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kong said I AM FAT! :(

Kong said that I'm getting fatter. And he said that I HAD A BIG BELLY.


I think the reason for the excess fat on my body was that I exercise too little. And maybe because I ate too much of junk food, especially chocolates.

Tsk, I dont want to get fat. :(((((((((

I joined a marathon and I said I'll start practicing, remember? But up till this moment, I haven even start on 10m, except the regular sessions on basketball and badminton, which was like once a week or twice a week the most.

Die la how to finish 5km.

I wanted to go jogging but no one's willing to go with me. So any people out there, if you want to jog, just give me a call and we will jog together(that's if I am free and have no class).

I went to EVERY SINGLE lecture and tutorial for this semester(until now, which is week 4). And I have three days of 830 class, continuously from Wed to Fri. Now, the problem is that when I woke up early, and during the lecture, I lose my concentration easily. I dont know the reason for this. I sleep 8 hours a day, or 7 hours sometimes. I think I had enough sleep but sometimes I just feel so tired during the morning class. Can anyone tell me why?

On another note, I found a very interesting quote from 'The Templar Legacy', by Steve Barry.

'Those with brains and ability rose. Everyone else was eliminated.'

Hmm, random stuff.


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