Sunday, July 19, 2009

Uni starts tomorrow.

This semester's gonna be a tough one. Need to work harder. :(

Sydney trip was fun.

Some pictures from Sydney. More in facebook.

Harbour Bridge

Pork ribs from Pancake on the Rocks. Super good.

Jay's concert. Gila banyak orang.


JungChe said...

u know how to take photos oh!? ahahahaha!!!!

Ee Gee said...

cis de. i'm just lazy to take photos ho. and all those pics took by phone. not actual camera. not bad ho. LOL

JungChe said...

i want the pork ribs~!!!!

Ee Gee said...

omg the pork ribs damn niceeeeeee. next time when we go sydney we must go there and eat!!! and the pancake in the same restaurant also nice!! AND I TELL YOU THERE'S ONE SUSHI RESTAURANT IN SYDNEY THEY SERVED SUPER NICE SUSHIS. omg i want to fly back just to have food. :P

JungChe said...

dont tell me bout the food!!!!
aiyo~!! so bad oh...