Friday, April 3, 2009

HAHA. I'm so happy because there's still someone visiting my blog and even commented on my post.

I appreciated every comments you left.

Okay, recently I posted something about my frustration towards certain stuffs, just two days ago.

And there is one anonymous, he said 'you shouldn't have this kind of opinion....As u say, everyone is paying for that and they want to play as well.If you are playing for almost all the time,is that fair for the pther people in the team??must think of this la....'

Okay anonymous, I'm here to clarify, to tell you exactly what I meant in the previous post. The reason I'm doing this is because, alright maybe some other people have the same opinion like yours, blame my low level of english, which made you misunderstood my point of view.

Yes anonymous, everyone is paying to play, no doubt about it. Everyone wanted to play, yes thats true. BUT DID I SAY I WANNA PLAY FOR ALMOST ALL THE TIME? I remembered I said, there's some people in the team playing all the time AND THATS NOT FAIR, yeah? So tell me, which part of my sentences made you think that I WANTED TO PLAY FOR ALMOST ALL THE TIME.

I just wanted the playing time is SHARED EQUALLY among all the players in the court.

Is me my problem or is it your low level of english? I dont get it. If you dont read properly, why you made such a harsh comment like that? What am I missing in my last post?

Okay just one last thing, anonymous. I dont care whoever you are but I want to make this very clearly. We have 10 people in the team. We played for first half, which is 20 minutes and second half which is another 20 minutes again. So mathematically, I know shouldnt be applied here but well, numbers come first, everyone should be playing for 20 minutes cause each time there are 5 players on court. Get it?

Of course la, like I also mentioned in my previous post, if we are losing, sure there'll need to be substition for the better player to be on court. But I see no point for certain players to play longer on court when WE ARE LEADING.

Is this clear enough, Mr Anonymous?

Damn, you made me sounded very angry in this post (which actually I'm not). I just want to keep this thing clear.

Oh seriously, read twice before you comment on something because my english is not very good and you need longer time to understand what I'm saying.. or maybe its because your english level is lower than mine so yeah, read properly, yeah Mr Anonymous?

Thanks for your comment. I'm happy to have reader like you, really. :D


Anonymous said... hard to say that "play in a team, every member need to hv equal playing time"...

when u are playing as a team, u cnt think about oneself...when we are in a competition, we are aim to win the, normally the team will let the well-performed player to hv more playing time to let the team hv bigger leading n win the game...

it was not u or others one is one hv to forget n forgive...n u must knw that work as a team is to enjoy the game together at the court, share the happiness together when winning the game, share the sadness together when losing the game...

i think the playing time is really not so need care abt the playing time...if u are in a team, u should support every decision that made by the team leader..

Ee Gee said...

anonymour 2, yes I saw your points there. I know its important to respect and support team leader's decision AND THAT IS WHY I ONLY GRUMBLE HERE. I never shout or whatever with the leader or other teammates. AND YOU USED WE IN YOUR COMMENT so i assume you're one of the team member la. You're there the other day, tell me, did i sound VERY ANGRY by that momnet? No i dint. the leader trying to give his best to the team? TRYING TO LEAD AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE EVEN WHEN ITS 21-4? come on be fair, i dont see a point here. PLAYING TIME IS NOT IMPORTANT I KNOW BUT WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS WHEN WE FACE A VERY STRONG TEAM AND WE'RE LOSING, I DONT MIND DINT PLAY FOR THE WHOLE GAME. You get what i mean? when we're leading, why cant we change some players? TELL ME WHY? I dont knnow what i've dont wrongly until anonymous 1 posted such a harsh comment, even though i dont really care la. So please people, please understand my feeling.

Ee Gee said...

and anonymous 1, i just deleted your comment cause you dont deserve it. I really want to know who you are and see how much better you are comparing to me. HAHAH. Eh seriously la. If you dont mind, reveal yourself la at least i know who dislikes me and I'll just dont talk with you mah. Since you dislike me so much i think you dont wanna talk with me either, right? LOL. OMG I REALLY CANT WAIT TO KNOW WHO ARE YOU LA.

Ee Gee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ee Gee said...

told you, i gonna delete everything useless. LEAVE MORE COMMENTS.:D

Easter Egg said...

This is useless comment. Please delete. Thank you. Muack.

Ee Gee said...

HAHA. You also not bad ler keep posting comments. YOU HAVE AN EVEN MORE MISERABLE LIFE MAN. LOL. HAHA.

Ji@ EiK said...

lazy worm~update ur blog at least once a week lar~sure u wil get many readers~!hahahahhaha!!!