Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I understand every points you said.

And I apologized for making you feel bad, Kong.

Everyone has different personalities and its a very important thing for me to learn. What I thought does not necessarily reflect what someone else’s thinking.

Like you said, its unfair for you.

Yes it is, I admit.

Hence, I should make things clear.

First, about the 'not invited' thing, what I meant was nobody asked us to go. Isnt that called not invited?

Second, about the 'dislike' thing, I said that because I was very angry at that point (because I felt like not being treated as a friend.)

Thirdly, why Kong is the only victim? Because USUALLY, mind you, usually he is organiser and I think that he should give us a call or something, like what he USUALLY did. Well, at least thats what I think.

Lastly, about the 'You're not worth it' thing. I'm sorry to say that. No, you are still a worthy friend. The only explaination I have for that sentence was that I was really too angry, or rather disappointed at that moment. Yeah, I apologize.

I'll let the post remain there. This is because thats my very true feeling at that point. And I want to keep it there to remind myself, not to repeat the same mistake again, ever.

Sorry people, if what I said made you feel bad or whatever.

The misunderstanding being cleared.

I'm sorry.

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